Pages tagged “mental healthcare”
AMOS Expands Access to Children's Mental Health Services: New Mobile Crisis Responders to be Hired
After 100 AMOS leaders appeared at a Broadlawns Medical Center Board Meeting to support an initiative expanding children and youth access to mental health services, Broadlawns Trustees voted 5-2 to hire two mobile crisis responders trained to work with children and adolescents. Walnut Hills UMC leader Connie McKeen delivered testimony on behalf of AMOS in support of this momentous step forward for Polk County youth and their families. During the hearing, one of the Trustees exclaimed, "Wow, that's a lot of people."
20 AMOS leaders followed up in person within weeks, inspired by thousands of Polk County residents who shared stories based on their experiences, conducted research, and organized postcard campaigns and neighborhood walks over 4 years to make children's crisis services a reality.
In a related Oped, leaders Lindsey Braun and Benjamin C. Bell expressed,
Anger has been the pilot light that has kept AMOS leaders doggedly pursuing the implementation of youth mental health crisis services for over four years.
New Mental Health Resources Coming for Children in Polk County, Des Moines Register [pdf]
Polk County Unveils New Mental Health Services for Children, KCCI Des Moines [pdf]
Written by Courtney Dufford
June 14, 2021 -
AMOS Pushes for Expanded State Investment in Mental Healthcare for Children and Adults
The Legislature made great progress in 2018 and 2019 in reforming Iowa’s systems of mental health care for children and adults. When fully implemented, Iowa’s children and their families, indeed all Iowans, will greatly benefit from their fine work. With that solid start, the necessary next step is providing adequate, predictable, sustainable funding for the new system. We understand COVID-19 has impacted Iowa’s budget, however mental health services for adults and children have become even more critical. In crafting Iowa’s next state budget, we ask legislators to consider:
Maintaining current funding amounts for adults and increasing funding for children’s mental health crisis services to include a statewide hotline, provide for local mobile crisis services for children, and to provide crisis observation centers specifically for children;
Lifting restrictions to enable dollar shifts in any region that has had insufficient funds to pay for adult and children’s mental health prior to COVID-19 and now faces cutting services;
Extending broadband so all people in Iowa can receive telemedicine services which includes mental health services;
Extending the cutoff for telemedicine and the reimbursement rate. Mental health concerns (including COVID related) will not end when confinements end but will continue post COVID physical health concerns;
Ensuring telemedicine reimbursement rates for mental health are mandatory for ALL insurers.
[Photo courtesy of AMOS]
Lawmakers, Please Don't Lose Momentum on Mental Health, Iowa Capital Dispatch [pdf]
Written by Courtney Dufford
May 21, 2020 -
AMOS Defends Mental Health Funding from Statewide Cuts, Secures Added $5M for Polk Co.
AMOS Mental Health Wins in 2020 Legislative Session, AMOS
Lawmakers, Please Don't Lose Momentum on Mental Health, Iowa Capital Dispatch [pdf]
Written by Courtney Dufford
May 21, 2020